Schizophrenia successfully treated without medication!

Recently, a mother brought her daughter into our office previously diagnosed with schizophrenia. This beautiful young lady was so heavily medicated during our initial appointment that she could barely keep her head off of my desk and was challenged to answer simple questions during our interview.

After some specialized testing, we began treatment focused upon functional medicine concepts and within one short week, the “lights began to come back on.” As the weeks progressed, we continued to slowly decrease her medications while providing her with much needed nutrients both orally and intravenously.

The results have been nothing short of miraculous! The following is a verbatim testimonial provided by this patients mother.

“I am writing this letter of recommendation to anyone who has a loved one diagnosed with schizophrenia or any kind of mental illness.

I have a 23 year old daughter who has been diagnosed as schizophrenic, bipolar and SMI (severely mentally ill). Because Brittany would hear voices telling her to hurt herself or others, she would cut herself or overdose on medication to end her life. When we would talk to her she would say she didn’t want to hurt herself, but she couldn’t bear the voices any longer.

At the time Brittany started seeing Dr. Hampton she was taking 17 pills a day and was going in and out of mental hospitals so often that the state was going to put her in a group home for the mentally ill.

Three months ago Brittany started seeing Dr. Hampton. Through IV treatments, protein drinks and supplements, Dr. Hampton has her down to 5 pills a day with the hope she’ll be completely pill free and completely healed some day.

Brittany now has more energy and isn’t sleeping her life away. The voices are gone and she even went on a family trip to Disneyland, something she never could have done before Dr. Hampton’s treatments.

I once again urge anyone who has a family member or loved one like my daughter to please give Dr. Hampton a call. My call to him changed Brittany, mine and my family’s life.”


Cynthia L. Kaufman

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Our Principles

Doceré :

Doctor as Teacher.
Prevanarae :

Prevention is the Best Medicine.
Tolle Totum :

Treat the Whole Person
Primum Non Nocere :

First do no Harm
Tolle Causum :

Treat the Cause
Vis Medicatrix Naturae :

The Healing Power of Nature