Contact Us

Contact us to learn more about our affordable, personalized medical and wellness programs designed to save you money while preventing disease, treating illness and improving your health and productivity. All you have to do is complete this form and click on the submit button!

NOTE: This information will be used for Arizona Prohealth inquiries only and will NOT be available to any other parties for ANY reason. We promise! 

Membership Type: Individual   Family   Business
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NOTE: When you click the SUBMIT button, your confidential information will be received by an Arizona Prohealth associate and you will be contacted directly about your inquiry very soon.

Contact Us

Our Principles

Doceré :

Doctor as Teacher.
Prevanarae :

Prevention is the Best Medicine.
Tolle Totum :

Treat the Whole Person
Primum Non Nocere :

First do no Harm
Tolle Causum :

Treat the Cause
Vis Medicatrix Naturae :

The Healing Power of Nature