Conventional (Disease) Medicine

Conventional medicine is also known as allopathic, orthodox, regular and reactive medicine. It is best suited for crisis management, emergency medicine and the short term management of serious symptoms. Unfortunately, it is not technically “health” care at all, rather it is “disease” care.

Conventional medicine is the type of medicine that is promoted and utilized by the majority of the physicians and hospitals in this country. It is a system of medicine in which the use of technology, pharmaceutical drugs and surgical procedures prevail. It is a system of medicine that has introduced spectacular life saving techniques and medications to an ailing population.

The advances is these areas have been nothing short of miraculous. In fact, conventional medicine in the United States is clearly the best in the world when it comes to crisis management and emergency medicine. The use of synthetic, prescription medication is clearly needed, highly beneficial and even life saving in many circumstances.

While the use of medication is very helpful for many conditions, my professional clinical experience has clearly revealed that the long term use of drugs is in most cases, simply not necessary. Generally speaking, most drugs suppress or block normal biochemical processes from occurring which is the primary reason so many drugs have negative side effects. The severity of those side effects range from mild to severe, vary from drug to drug and are often dose dependent.

Whenever a prescription is written, every doctor should consider the risk/benefit ratio of each
drug and for each condition, while also taking into consideration the interaction of multiple drugs when prescribed together. Regardless of the so called “safety” profile of each drug.

For example, a common problem with cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) is that they impair the liver’s ability to detoxify properly. Another problem is that the statin drugs deplete from the body a very important nutrient and anti-oxidant known as CoQ10. This nutrient is vital for many physiological functions and is especially beneficial for heart health.

If you are taking a statin drug, it is strongly recommended that you also consider taking CoQ10 to avoid a deficiency of this very important nutrient. The drug companies have known about this for a long time so it comes as no surprise that they have recently introduced a statin drug that contains CoQ10!

This is only one of many, many examples that could be listed, however the main point is that prescription medication is not without it’s problems. Additionally, it is equally important to understand that safe and effective options exist for the treatment of the majority of disease and illness that afflicts humanity.

Did you know that plant sterols work as well as statins in lowering total cholesterol and LDL while increasing HDL without harming the liver and without depleting COQ10?

It is well known that conventional medicine does little to address the underlying reasons for disease and illness and that medication only provides symptomatic relief. The problem is that it is also well known that disease and illness are not caused by a lack of medication!

Conventional medicine is valuable and will always be needed. However, in order to optimize the health of the population while reducing medical expenses, conventional medicine will be required to adopt the philosophy and practice of scientific naturopathic medicine.

This would involve the true integration of the best therapies and treatments from the conventional, homeopathic and naturopathic medical models. This approach places emphasis upon what is best for the patient in terms of assisting them to prevent disease, treat illness and improve health.

Your conventional doctor is surely doing the best they can with the knowledge provided to them in medical school. They have been taught to treat symptoms of disease and illness with little knowledge about how to prevent disease or improve health without medication.

Most doctors do not know about alternative treatments and likely would not tell you about them if they did.

All I’m suggesting is that you educate and inform yourself about the risks and benefits of all treatments in order for you to have the ability to make a more informed and educated decision about what you choose to put into your body.

You might be surprised to learn that those medications you have been taking may not be as necessary as you previously thought.

Conventional medicine is disease medicine, which is truly valuable and needed, but health has a much broader definition than the mere absence of disease.

Dr. Eric Hampton

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Our Principles

Doceré :

Doctor as Teacher.
Prevanarae :

Prevention is the Best Medicine.
Tolle Totum :

Treat the Whole Person
Primum Non Nocere :

First do no Harm
Tolle Causum :

Treat the Cause
Vis Medicatrix Naturae :

The Healing Power of Nature